Zurich low cost Salary Deducted PRSA AVC with 100% allocation (also for Public and Private sector). Annual management charge 0.75%.

Premiums can be deducted from payroll salary


I am an employee with a pension scheme and I want to make additional contributions from my own bank account so as to increase my retirement benefits when I retire.

Save on each and every contribution you make to the plan for the life of the plan.
PRSA AVCs are owned by you – they are not arranged under trust and can be carried from employment to employment


Monthly contribution less than €500

Actual Allocation 100%
Annual management charge 1%
Bid offer spread 0%

Monthly contribution of more than €500

Actual Allocation 100%
Annual management charge 0.75%
Bid offer spread 0%

Lump sum contributions::

  • If you invest a lump sum of €5,000 and over, the annual management charge is 0.75%. For less than this amount the annual management charge is 1%. (Max age at start is 63 next birthday. Min 5 year term).
  • Allocation rate in all cases is 100%.

What allocation rate means:

  • For example, when you contribute €100 to your pension fund, if the allocation rate is 100%, the fund value is immediately €100


A “Default Investment Strategy” that targets growth in the early years but changes to a lower risk portfolio as retirement approaches.

A more individualized profile can be designed through investing in a selection of the funds listed on the application form.

Start Your Zurich Low Cost Standard PRSA AVC!